Leaving Something Else Behind
It was a great tragedy when Almanzo passed away at the age of 92 and left his wife behind. After his passing, Laura’s health began to show decline as well. She passed away eight years after he did in 1957, only three days after the writer celebrated her ninetieth birthday. At the time of her death, she had been working on a project inspired by the struggles she encountered during the early years of their marriage. Despite this, she did not plan on getting it published. They found the manuscript in Rose’s things after she herself died in 1968. You can check out The First Four Years if you want to read about it.

Leaving Something Else Behind
Her Work Continues To Move People
“The children send me their pictures, Christmas cards and presents, valentines, birthday cards and gifts,” she said. “I think I had letters from every state.” We do not need to further expound on how the stories and characters in her books moved countless children from different parts of the globe. Laura continues to change lives even long after her death. She does not only have reading rooms, elementary schools, and libraries named after her, but her books are mainstays on reading lists as well! We know this already sounds impressive but just you wait until you hear more of her legacy.

Her Work Continues To Move People