More Impact On The World
When the ‘70s rolled in, Little House on the Prairie became incredibly popular because of the television adaptation loosely based on her books. One way to tell if your work has made an impact is when they adapt it for the small screen! Sometimes, television shows fall short of the source material, but the show was actually good on its own. Apparently, nearly all the locations Laura lived in have since become tourist destinations and National Historic Landmarks. We are sure she would be humbled by all these distinctions if she was around to witness them.

More Impact On The World
An Award Named After Her
Although she was never the recipient of the prestigious Newbery Medal, Laura Ingalls Wilder was a five-time runner-up for the literary award. This might be the top book award for children’s literature by the American Library Association, there was another even more admirable accolade that was about to come her way. The ALA made a lifetime achievement award for writers and illustrators of children’s book in 1954. And get this – they named it after her! Of course, she was also the first person to receive the award. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal is given to recognize a certain illustrator or author with works published in the United States of America that have created “a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children”.

An Award Named After Her