Despite the dubiousness of his hobby, the risks that come with the exploration are Tepper’s to worry about. He wrote in a caption for his video, “Do not attempt this yourself. If you do decide to explore, please make sure you tell someone where you are going. Try and go with a friend.” And true to his words, Tepper went on this exploration with Tazer, his associate.

What’s Hiding Inside?
Now, what did the two of them record for the viewer’s consumption? When you play the video, it first shows a montage of how the years that went by had affected the property. One of the angles they used was an aerial view of what seems like a window upstairs. It gave a bird’s eye view of the whole place including thick unkempt gardens and dirty pool. The camera draws back through a broken window to reveal the inside of the house. The interiors have definitely started to deteriorate.

What’s Hiding Inside?