Breaking In
A man from the Hampshire, the county nearby, found a means to get inside. This man was Warren Tepper and one of his hobbies is a somewhat eccentric one. He loves going into abandoned locations to explore and record his discoveries. He has his own YouTube channel named Warren Urbexing. The name was derived from the mixture of the two words “urban” and “exploring.”

Breaking In
Ethical Issues
There are people who will think that it’s a bit questionable when you enter someone else’s property. Tepper does not think that this is the case. He was interviewed by the BBC in 2018 and he claimed, “Nobody actually seems to care about the buildings anymore, or they’ve just been left there to rot for years and years and years.” Tepper further explained when asked about the fact that exploring abandoned properties could land him in a mess, “I don’t see that being a problem as long as I’m not breaking and entering when I get there.”

Ethical Issues