Megxit: What You Need To Know About Harry And Meghan’s Big Move To North America

Published on 02/05/2020

January 8th, 2020 – Stepping Down

The following day, there were more rumors that Harry and Meghan wanted to move to Canada. No answers were given even though Buckingham Palace got confronted with the claims. On this day, the couple announced that they are relinquishing their posts as “senior royals.” In the announcement, they said that they wish to be financially free of the Crown and wanted to divide their time between North America and the United Kingdom. This news shocked everyone in the world, including the Palace! Rumors started to go around that Queen Elizabeth did not have any knowledge of this beforehand.

January 8th, 2020 – Stepping Down

January 8th, 2020 – Stepping Down


Early January 9th, 2020 – Emergency Meeting

When the news got to the Palace, the Queen set up an emergency meeting with the senior royals. The statement released by the Palace read, “Discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand their desire to take a different approach.” They also said that “these are complicated issues that will take time to work through.” People believe that Queen Elizabeth wanted to discuss what their relations with Harry and Meghan’s family would be like in the future. The BBC reported on it and said that the tone the Palace took regarding the news was one of “disappointment.”

Early January 9th, 2020 – Emergency Meeting

Early January 9th, 2020 – Emergency Meeting