Try These Superfoods If You Don’t Want To Gain Weight

Published on 09/21/2021

Cranberry Juice

Now, we’re not talking about cranberry juice cocktail, which is filled with sugar. Grab a glass of 100% cranberry juice and watch the weight come off. The bitter juice is high in vitamin C and acts as a diuretic, allowing your body to eliminate extra fluids.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice


Dark Chocolate

You probably didn’t expect chocolate to be on this list! Diets are difficult, and if you completely deny yourself, you risk bingeing and undoing all of your hard work. To avoid this, eat a couple of squares of dark chocolate every now and then when you’re desiring something sweet. Dark chocolate includes beneficial fats and is lower in sugar than other varieties of chocolate, making it healthier than other types of sweets. It’s even healthy for your heart, according to some research! So, if you’re desiring something, don’t be scared to give in – but only in moderation.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate