Her First Marriage
As mentioned earlier, Reba was married to a different guy before Narvel. Her first husband was Charlie Battles. The two got married in 1976, the same year that her music career blossomed. It was also in 1976 when Reba released her debut single, I Don’t Wanna Be a One night Stand. However, the single only reached the 88th spot on Billboard’s country charts. The next singles that she released were also not that big of a hit, but that didn’t stop Reba from making music. Finally, in 1979, Reba hit the 19 spots of the charts when she made a cover of Sweet Dreams by Patsy Cline.

Her First Marriage
First Time At The Grand Ole Opry
In 1977 Reba was invited to sing at the Grand Ole Opry; which she accepted since it was her first time to perform there. When she made it to the venue, the guards at the gates won’t allow her in because according to them, her name was not on the list. After the time of arguing, the guard tried to check again and that’s when she finally saw her name. Imagine the hassle all that caused her? When she was finally able to get in the venue, the producers told her that they had to shorten her time to make way for Dolly Parton. Wonder what Reba felt when they told her that.

First Time At The Grand Ole Opry