Wall Of Snakes
Ben and Amber Sessions discovered a house in the American countryside for $180,000. They thought it was a dream but realized that this 5-bedroom house had a garter snake infestation. It was so bad that the ground around the house looked like it was moving thanks to the snakes. They got suspicious when they kept finding more snakes and heard rustling sounds in the walls. When he opened a siding panel, he could not believe how many snakes came out. This was how they learned that the house was located on top of a snake hibernaculum. Three months later, the Sessions moved out and filed for bankruptcy.
Amanda Reddy removed a baseboard from her kitchen in her 1910 Cape Cod house when she stumbled upon a 100-year-old surprise. She took out the postcards and saw just how old they were. They were written to Mayme Berneck and dated back to 1907 and 1909. Amanda thought that the postcards just fell behind, but a closer inspection revealed that the cards were all nailed to the wall.