Bow Ties
Talk about a throwback. Back when he first started out, Carlson was known for one thing – wearing bow ties! Yes, really. However it took about a hot minute for him to give up bow ties all together. “If you wear a bow tie, it’s like [wearing] a middle finger around your neck; you’re just inviting scorn and ridicule … the number of people screaming the F-word at me … it wore me down after a while so I gave in and became conventional.” And we believed that he wasn’t bothered by outside criticism.

In fact back in 2005, in season five of Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm, “The Bowtie” refers to a character that Larry David sees similiar to “Tucker Carlson” just because he’s wearing a bow tie. We told you that people disliked Tucker Carlson…well, his bow ties in this case.
