No Chance Of Failure
Granted, Fox News had a whole slew of candidates who could easily take over for The O’Reilly Factor, however Fox opted to go with someone familiar, someone in-house. Fox quickly responded to the favoritism allegations stating they don’t believe in letting their “talent” fail. When choosing insiders over a well known outsider, Fox greatly reduces the chance that a certain anchor won’t “take” with their very loyal audience. Essentially, they chose Carlson because it made the most buisness sense, one that was 98% guranteed to succeed. Was that enough to drown out the negative noise surround Tucker Carlson’s promotion? Not a chance.

Tucker Carlson: Net Worth $8 Million
After his many years in journalism and as an anchor, Tucker Carlson has racked up an estimated net worth of $8 million. Which is acually less than the Fox News hosts who are currently sandwiched between him. You can’t deny he hasn’t earned every penny.
