These Old Items Might Be Junk To You But Buyers Are Willing To Pay A Lot For Them

Published on 02/05/2020

Old Paintings

You probably would know if you owned a million-dollar Jackson Pollack or a revered da Vinci masterpiece. With a little luck, you might discover a $12,000 painting at Goodwill, but that’s just as unlikely. All the same, appraisers can examine the canvas, pigment, stretcher, and keys to figure out if the old painting you happen to have lying around is worth anything. If the artist is prominent, if not known, their artwork can sell for $7,500 or more.

Old Paintings

Old Paintings


Vinyl Records

Those vinyl records you have can be worth quite a bit, depending on their condition and what artist they’re by. Aside from the fact that they’re now back in style, they’re also a collector’s item. For example, an unreleased cover of David Bowie’s 1974 Diamond Dogs album sold for a whopping $3,550.

Vinyl Records

Vinyl Records