These Old Items Might Be Junk To You But Buyers Are Willing To Pay A Lot For Them

Published on 02/05/2020

Apple Computers

Almost every household has a few old and outdated computers sitting around. Keep an eye out for Apple computers. While they’re still relatively new, Apple products are very popular. “A first edition Apple was bought for $900,000. It’s not technically antique, but it can be worth a lot of money if it was built in, say, Steve Job’s garage,” says Eric Silver. Not to mention, electronics that are in working condition are worth more.

Apple Computers

Apple Computers


Old Comics

Nowadays, superheroes are all the rage. If you happen to own the early comic book that features any of the popular characters, you can be looking at a serious profit. At the moment, copies of the Black Panther series from the ’70s – written and illustrated by co-creator Jack Kirby – are doing well on eBay. The auction of the series is already well over $150. Single issues are selling for at least $50. Not to mention, original Archie comics are worth a lot too.

Old Comics

Old Comics