These Old Items Might Be Junk To You But Buyers Are Willing To Pay A Lot For Them

Published on 02/05/2020

Boy Scout Badges

Proud parents often prefer to pay tribute to the Boy Scouts in America by sending their boys to them, old memorabilia can be worth a lot of money. As of 2018, certain collectible badges are worth $1,178 if Collectors Weekly is to be believed. The older they are, the more value they have. In August 2019, a Boy Scout sash was worth $4,500 on eBay. It came with 18 patches dating back from the ‘30s to the ‘40s. Aside from that, Air Scout memorabilia goes for around $2,000!

Boy Scout Badges

Boy Scout Badges


Old Coins

Does anyone else not pay a whole lot of attention to their coins? Most people find this form of currency irritating and not worth much thought. The dollar bill is definitely more convenient. The truth is that you can get a pretty penny for old coins buried at the bottom of your bag or hidden in your couches. Back in 2007, former dealer Jeff Bidelman of Rare Collectibles found a 200-year-old coin stash worth $200k. Make sure to check your coin purse for a rare Kansas state quarter! In 2005, “In God We Trust” was written as “In God We Rust” in a bunch of these coins. They are now said to be worth $100 each.

Old Coins

Old Coins