Cat Lovers
While dogs are great, cats were the perfect lap warmers in the harsh Greenland winters. They were kind of a big deal for Vikings. So much so that Freya, the fertility goddess, had a chariot pulled by two blue-gray cats. Aside from them being able to get rid of vermin, they made good companions. In the true spirit of things, the BBC has reported that Thor, the Norse god of thunder, attempted to prove his immense strength by lifting a mythical, giant, cat. However, he was only able to lift a single paw.

Cat Lovers
Painted Shields
We’re aware the Vikings had swords, but what were their shields like? Well, they used to paint them. And not with symbols of their loyalty or anything like what we would think. They painted the shield in any color, so long as the wood grain was properly hidden. Why, you ask? Because if their enemy were able to spot the weakest point to strike, you could be sure they would strike there first. Another thing that made their shield more special was its shield boss, otherwise known as sköldbucklawas. This was the metal center that they used to bash attackers.

Painted Shields