One Room House
The typical Viking home was rectangular and contained just one large room. The open space would revolve around a central hearth where the cooking and spinning would be done. For the most part, women stayed home and took on the responsibility of keeping up the house and tending to the cattle. Not only that, but the women were also in charge of the dairy. These rectangular houses were discovered in Sweden, Newfoundland, York, and Dublin. Most of their homes were created with wood, stone, and turf.

One Room House
Decent Food
What did the Norsemen eat other than onion soup and stew? Turns out not much else. However, they did have similar food choices to ours at times. For example, when working on the fields, the Norse men would eat some cottage cheese with a bread crust. They would also have a little bit of dried fruit like a plum or crabapple if they were lucky. They normally ate leftovers from dinner for breakfast the next morning, which was boiled lamb bones, grains, beans, peas, carrots, and turnips. And if they had a feast, they would serve various meats, cheeses, fish, and dried fruits drizzled in honey. Let’s put it this way: the average Norseman did not starve.

Decent Food