When He Sees The Note Left On The Bill, Waiter Rushes After The Customer

Published on 11/17/2019

The Check

The evening was beginning to come to it’s conclusion. The waitress had provided the guests excellent service, and in return the couple were excellent customers. She continued and asked how the pair would be paying, together or separately. The woman tried to begin her sentence with “separately”, but the man went out of his way to say how he would be paying for all. “Definitely together. You never have to pay when you’re with me”. A little grandiose, but nonetheless she seemed okay with it and the waitress didn’t mind who paid, just that the check was in fact paid.


A Smooth Payment

After an extravagant evening, the bill comes and it totals at $289.00. The man sees the number and doesn’t seem fazed and pays the bill. Additionally, after such a pleasant evening, and some great service; the man leaves the waitress a $100 tip. He emphasizes the lovely evening they’ve had and made a big deal of the large tip he had left for her. The waitress herself was shocked at this incredible gesture. Even if her service had been good, that was her job and she treated them like she would anyone else. She was incredibly touched.