When He Sees The Note Left On The Bill, Waiter Rushes After The Customer

Published on 11/17/2019

Selflessness and Gratitude

The man had shown incredible selflessness, and she was certainly grateful. She expressed her gratitude more than once, she was ecstatic with the tip and eternally thankful. The man insisted that there was no need to thank him, expressing that it is the waiting staff in general who are so underpaid and that it should be considered as covering all the previous customers who treated her poorly and tipped as such. The man went on a rant about how if you eat out, you should be prepared to pay as such; focusing entirely on his date when explaining. Nonetheless, the waitress was excited about the tip, and thanked him once again. He helped her into her jacket, and the pair left the restaurant. All seemed well until…


A Swift Turnaround

It can’t have been more than 90 seconds after the couple had left, but the man had pretended to the girl that he had forgotten something to hide his real intentions of returning to the restaurant. The man looked over to make sure that she was out of the area that she could hear him and with no shame whatsoever tells the waitress, “Mark the tip down to twenty bucks Hun, I was just playing it up for my date. You understand.” The man at this point turns around to leave without any embarrassment or care in the world.