When He Sees The Note Left On The Bill, Waiter Rushes After The Customer

Published on 11/17/2019


Being a woman in the service industry, she had experienced unpleasant men like him before and was not phased by the events. To turn a tip that was over 30% to one that was under 10% was one thing, but this man was clearly playing his date. This poor girl had no idea what this man was really like. He had acted extremely manipulatively and had no idea what this man was really like. Acting from her past experiences with men such as these, she felt it was only in the woman’s best interests to discover what this man was like. She had to do something to alert the girl, but just so she could question his intentions herself.


A Moment Of Luck

The waitress realized again that she was at work, and decided it wasn’t her place. Altering the bill, she thought that would be it. Despite this, something interesting had occurred to her. Perhaps there was a way to maintain professionalism but help this poor girl. Darting outside, the waitress acted quickly in attempt to catch the couple in the parking lot. Luckily for her, they had parked on the street and the man was sorting out payment with the parking meter.