Researchers Reconstructed The Faces Of Historical Figures…The Results Will Surprise You

Published on 01/06/2020

St. Nicholas

St. Nikolaos of Myra AKA St. Nicholas was a Turkish saint from the 4th century. A Bishop, he was famous for being generous and caring. He allegedly put presents in the footwear of kids who left them outside. It sparked the beginning of the holiday tradition we now know and love! Isn’t that the coolest thing?

St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas


What St. Nicholas Really Looked Like

Also called Santa Claus, we know that you already have an image of him in mind. However, keep in mind that he was Turkish. He probably looked darker and more Middle Eastern! The reason he is depicted so differently is that Westerners typically assume that important historical figures look just like them.

What St. Nicholas Really Looked Like

What St. Nicholas Really Looked Like