Things Take An Unexpected Turn When Man Introduces Wife To His Gorillas

Published on 02/19/2019

Their Disposition

Gorillas are naturally shy creatures that stay away from humans. They are strong animals who could kill humans when provoked. More importantly, it does not take a lot to provoke these primates. One wrong move could prove to be the end for you. If you ever surprise them, they may interpret your action to be a sign of aggression and retaliate.

Their Disposition

Their Disposition


What Happens Next

As the boat approached the bank of the river where the pair were located, the team retrieved the drone. After all, they did not want to overstimulate Ima and Djalta nor have them try and catch the device. The boat was approaching them in a very slow and steady manner. They knew that gorillas tend to be hard-to-read and unpredictable when it comes to humans. Damian and the entire team wanted to do this as carefully as possible. Everyone fell silent as they came closer to where they were.

What Happens Next

What Happens Next