Hilarious Windshield Notes That Are Just Pure Genius

Published on 12/10/2018

Learn To Park, Rich Dude

This note goes straight for the jugular as they instantly bring up their handicapped grandmother. The Blue BMW, who is allegedly rich, is purportedly taking up multiple prime spots in the parking lot. What if the letter writer had their handicapped grandmother over for a visit? Her death, presumably from the long walk, would surely be on his shoulders. So go take those parking lessons, you could save a life!

Learn to park, rich dude

Learn To Park, Rich Dude


Spiderman Gets Involved

There is pretty much nothing worse than someone who willingly and clearly enjoys taking up multiple spaces in a crowded parking lot. Thankfully for the people of this neighborhood there is a certain spider themed super hero slinging around leaving zinger notes. We can practically feel the passive aggressiveness oozing off of this letter and we’re 100% sure it has nothing to do with Spiderman.

Spiderman gets involved

Spiderman Gets Involved