Hilarious Windshield Notes That Are Just Pure Genius

Published on 12/10/2018

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom

We imagine that the owner of this car wrote this note while sitting in their dimly lit, one bedroom apartment. Maybe they are heating up a cheap frozen dinner while getting ready to wake up early in the morning for their crappy job. Even if the backstory is sad we can’t help but laugh at how they responded to someone breaking into their vehicle. “Thanks for checking anyway”. My sides are currently in orbit because of my laughter.

The bottom below rock bottom

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom


No Ticket Please

It’s a polite way to request a police officer to give you a second chance, but it clearly didn’t work here. If you find that your door is frozen shut then you had best figure out a way to get in. Cities thrive on parking tickets and they certainly aren’t going to pass up on the opportunity to get you one. Just don’t pour hot water into the seams as that will lead to more freezing. We’re sure smarter people than us can give you the advice that you need.

No ticket please

No Ticket Please