Hilarious Windshield Notes That Are Just Pure Genius

Published on 12/10/2018

Corrine Goes For The Blood

There seems to be little in the way of positive outcomes for going toe to toe with a police officer that seemingly loves writing tickets. However, Corrine goes straight for the throat with her well written and factual note, telling the police officer to bugger off with his dismissed tickets. We wish that we had the courage. Instead we just get really annoyed, get a headache, and then search the internet for ways to vent our rage in peaceful ways. In other news, our apartment is filled with origami birds. We still have the parking tickets.

Corrine Goes for the Blood.

Corrine Goes For The Blood


Let’s See How This Plays Out

You have two ways to react when you mess up royally. You can immediately cop to your mistake and try to make amends or you can double down (I.e. pull a Donald Trump) and blame the world for your failures. Now we’ll never know if the note writer in this picture is actually right or not but it is pretty gutsy to call out the other guy when you hit his or her parked car. Either way we’re impressed that he actually left his real phone number — assuming it is real, of course. Either way, this should lead to some fun popcorn.

Let's see how this plays out!

Let’s See How This Plays Out