He Knew Exactly What To Do When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap

Published on 08/02/2021

Too Smart

A lot of people wonder why it is so hard to keep wolves and coyotes out of farms. Wasn’t it easier to build a fence to keep livestock and pets safe? Unfortunately, they can also dig and jump. Yikes!

Too Smart

Too Smart

Aside from that, there is usually too much space to cover everything with very high fences. Wolves can jump as high as six feet. They are also smart enough to get around fences and other obstructions.


Trapping Animals

John is a trapper, which means he employs animal traps. They often use bait to lure animals and catch them. The easiest way to do this is with the use of urine or its scent.

Trapping Animals

When trying to get a coyote, trappers prefer to use food and other bait instead. Meat and dog food are commonly used. The baits also attract wolves. They have such a great sense of smell that they can smell food from miles away.