Amanda Bynes
As facial plastic surgery goes, there are a few ways that the results can shake out. We have seen the high marks in corrective procedures (Dianna Agron) and we have also seen the low marks (Heidi Montag, Joan Rivers). Ms. Amanda Bynes, who stole the hearts of young boys everywhere as a Nickelodeon star, firmly belongs in the second camp. Since her time as a cast member of All That and her run as the host of the Amanda Bynes Show, Ms. Bynes has become somewhat of a disaster. With her career dwindling Bynes turned to drugs and surgery to try and fix whatever was going on. Bynes has had numerous botox injections, nose corrective work, and many other procedures. Despite still being young, Amanda Bynes has successfully tweaked her appearance to an uncanny level. Bynes serves as another warning of caution to young stars that think ‘more is better’ in the matters of fixing your own physical imperfections.

Amanda Bynes
Joan Rivers
When it comes to unmitigated cosmetic plastic surgery disasters we have to discuss the late Joan Rivers. Rivers sadly passed away in 2014 but she did so after having lived a long and exciting life. Rivers is best known for her work as an actress, a writer, and a host on television. Looking past her successes we have to discuss her failures with cosmetic surgery. Rivers joked about having over 700 procedures done in her life, but that is obviously hyperbolic. What we do know is that Rivers frequently attacked her image with botox surgery, face lifts, nose surgeries, and various other forms of facial cosmetic changes. When Rivers passed away at the age of 83 she certainly didn’t look her age. She also didn’t look very human. Despite the sad state of her plastic surgery related problems, Rivers was a host with unmitigated energy and affection. She was a frequent source of smiles as she routinely bounded around red carpets. Rivers was quick to laugh and even quicker to make a jab so it is sad to see the way things ended up for her. Unlike many other plastic surgery disasters, Rivers never apologized for her appearance and in doing so she made those failures part of her character. Not exactly a recommended approach, but the technique worked for her.
- Joan Rivers