10 Diseases Causing Food You Must Avoid

Published on 07/25/2019

Potato Chips

Get ready to put away your favorite bag of potato chips, at least if you want to avoid health issues in the future. Potato chips are a quick and easy snack but they are also pretty much the equivalent to garbage being shoveled into your body. Not only are chips loaded with fat and calories, but they also contain crazy amounts of sodium which can lead to high blood pressure and a whole slew of other health related issues. Chips also have a ton of preservatives and fake coloring additives in them as well, which is something unnatural for your body and just another difficult thing to process. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, a single ounce of chips per day can cause an average weight gain of two pounds in a single year. Be honest with yourself: are you stopping at a single ounce serving? So skip the treat and opt for dehydrated fruit or veggie chips instead.

Potato Chips


Processed Meat

Processed meat, such as pre packaged lunch meat, bacon, and hot dogs is something you want to be avoiding in your diet if you can. No, it won’t lead to mesothelioma cancer, but the chemical preservatives in the meat can lead to other forms of cancer. Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are used to keep the meat looking fresh and tasty, but they also significantly increase the risk of colon cancer. So if you want the healthiest meat possible, look for something that is uncured and made without nitrates. Grass fed sources of meat are the healthiest ways for you to keep them in your diet. The next time you want sandwich meat, go for the deli instead.

Processed Meat