10 Diseases Causing Food You Must Avoid

Published on 07/25/2019

Refined Sugar

We’ll talk a lot about refined sugars before we are all done warning you off of bad foods. If you want to avoid needing to use an online pharmacy, then do your best to knock out any instances of high fructose corn sugar in your diet. HFCS is one of the most loudly disturbing refined sugars in diets today. Research has shown that HFCS actually helps cancer cells to metabolize. You can find high fructose corn sugar in cookies, cakes, sodas, juice, cereals, and just about any other processed food. The prevalence of processed foods, and the rise of the ‘convenient food’ generation, has led to an increase in cancer rates all over America. Not exactly something to be proud of, seeing as you can avoid these foods if you take intimate care of your diet.



Anything ‘Diet’

It is hard enough to stick to a healthy diet when there is so much healthy food out there. Now add on to the problem that food labels are purposely trying to be deceptive. One of the biggest offenders in the food industry are products with ‘diet’ labels. While on the surface diet drinks sound good for you they, in fact, have more going on in them than you think. All diet foods are processed with chemicals and contain an excess of refined sugars. Get familiar with Aspartame and what it can do to your system. None of this is to even mention the level of excessive sodium. Next time that you want a diet drink, reach for some home brewed tea. Simple and healthy.
