TRX is a completely new type of training!
Let us imagine for a moment that you are in a gym. Let’s even imagine that you have your own personal fitness trainer. What this experienced personal trainer will do is show you the various rudimentary workouts. These workouts include pushing, pulling, lifting, and lowering–all at different times. This means that your workout is completely compartmentalized and that you don’t get to really effectively utilize your stamina. TRX is unilateral training in that it forces you to work out your body as a whole. For any given exercise you will be forced to move in just about every direction, all while focusing on your core. Your core, most people don’t realize, is comprised of your pelvis, glutes, chest, back, and abs! Imagine getting a good burn going in all of those places by doing a workout that seems even simpler than the ones you are so used to in the conventional gym. Crazy!

TRX is a completely new type of training
Disregard the weights, your body is all you need!
Let’s say that you have been working out on the TRX system for a little while now and are afraid that you will reach a plateau. First of all is that even possible? Second, how would you prevent it? Rather than worrying about switching weights around all you need to do is change the positioning of your body. Moving your legs farther away from your ‘anchor point’ will cause the difficulty of the exercise to go through the roof. This means that it is very unlikely that you will ever truly get to a point where TRX cannot help you anymore.

TRX Suspension Training