Here’s How Your Favorite Athlete Looks Like Throughout The Years

Published on 06/02/2020

Peggy Fleming

In 1968, two years after becoming the World Champion, Peggy Fleming was the Olympic figure skating champion. She has been skating professionally since then, performing shows. Fleming was also a US Ambassador of Goodwill, who skated the Soviet Union as well as China during the Cold War. She remains one of the most famous athletes in America. In the winter games, there always seems to be a place where she can comment whenever she rolls. In addition to skating, she owns with her husband a winery.

Peggy Fleming


Scott Hamilton

Many people can’t even make a backflip, but Scott Hamilton can do a skate! It runs counter to the rules of competitive skating, so he isn’t on this roster. Not only an acrobat, in the early 80s, but his footwork also wowed judges at international competitions. After years of dominating the competition, he won his gold at the 1984 Olympics. Since that time he has skated with Stars On Ice and the like, and he has been involved in charity and writing books.

Scott Hamilton