Bedlington Terrier
This dog breed has its origins in Northeastern England. You can buy a Bedlington Terrier for as much as $1,800. Did you know that it is also called the Rothbury’s Lamb? This dog breed was made to hunt vermin, although it turned into a racing dog that was a crowd-pleaser at dog shows. Even though it looks tame, it is known as a great swimmer. Dog breeders have described the breed to be “fit to kill another dog of its weight class.” You might also be thrilled to hear that it has an average lifespan of 13.5 years.

Bedlington Terrier
Double Doodle
The Double Doodle comes from the United States and will set you back by as much as $1,900 even though it is not purebred. This dog breed was the result of a cross between the Goldendoodle and the Labradoodle. It is also possible to arrive at one by combining a Poodle, Labrador Retriever, and a Golden Retriever. It is known as a smart, energetic, and friendly dog. You might hear it called the North American Retriever and the Golden Labradoodle as well. It is awesome that it does not shed even though it is very fluffy. If you want an active dog who likes to play ball, this might be perfect for you.

Double Doodle