Buy These Heart-Healthy Super Foods On Your Next Trip To The Grocery Store

Published on 11/26/2018


Carrots are definitely great if you are in need of a crunchy and tasty snack but you should also begin using it in other dishes. Apart from improving your vision, these orange gems actually contain a lot of carotenoids and this antioxidant fights against free radicals and reduce the risk of heart disease. Carrots are brimming with nutrients and the vitamins A, C, and K, making it effective in the fight against cancer, promotion of healthy bones and the nervous system, and reduction of an amino acid linked to heart disease.





How do you like your chicken? You can have it baked, grilled, or fried but it doesn’t really matter as it will taste great regardless of the method. More importantly, chicken is lean meat which means it naturally comes with lower levels of cholesterol and saturated fat than its red meat counterparts. It is also more heart-healthy so it is a great source of protein for people conscious about their health.

