Buy These Heart-Healthy Super Foods On Your Next Trip To The Grocery Store

Published on 11/26/2018


Do not be intimidated by the furry shell of kiwis! Once you manage to peel it off, you will find an exotic super fruit loaded with plenty of heart-healthy nutrients underneath its external covering. It is important to learn that kiwis are good sources of nutrients such as vitamins B, C, and E. They are also full of potassium, magnesium, polyphenols, and copper. Eating kiwis, therefore, make for an excellent way to promote cardiovascular health, protect your heart, and prevent harmful blood clots.





Lentils are considered super legumes thanks to the high levels of minerals and vitamins they have. The list includes magnesium, folic acid, fiber, and potassium. As a matter of fact, they come with higher levels of potassium than bananas! You now have a great excuse to keep adding lentils to the dishes you prepare. It has also been mentioned in the DASH diet, a nutrition plan specifically conceived to help individuals having problems with blood pressure and heart health.

