Researchers Reconstructed The Faces Of Historical Figures…The Results Will Surprise You

Published on 01/06/2020

The Mycenean “Griffin Warrior”

In 2015, a tomb site from the Bronze Age was discovered. Dating back to 1450 BC, they found a male skeleton over there! The archaeologists found 14,000 objects as well. There was an engraving that lent them a couple of ideas about the man they found. He must have been a warrior or a priest.

The Mycenean “Griffin Warrior”

The Mycenean “Griffin Warrior”


What The Mycenean “Griffin Warrior” Might Have Looked Like

The remains indicated that he was 5 ft 5 in, which was rather tall. The combs they found suggested that he had long hair. Lynne Schepartz and Tobias Houlton from the University of the Witwatersrand relied on his skull for this digital rendering. He likely had close-set eyes and a defined jaw.

What The Mycenean “Griffin Warrior” Might Have Looked Like

What The Mycenean “Griffin Warrior” Might Have Looked Like