These Stores Are Planning To Shut Down By 2020

Published on 09/04/2019

With the rise of e-commerce began the downfall of the traditional mode of business. Perhaps you have noticed just how many brick-and-mortar stores have closed shop after all these years of operation! Sadly, this seems to be the way things will be in the future! Stores continue to shut down at record speed. This trend has been alive and well this year thus far, and you can count on it continuing to happen. There has been a large decline in just about any type of business: electronics, clothing, home goods, and more! It is time for us to find out if your favorite made the cut or got the ax.


These Stores Are Planning To Shut Down By 2020



Payless Shoesource is the company with the highest number of store closures this year. How sad is that? The company plans to close over 2,500 stores. Perhaps you will even find a clearance sale, which they are doing in order to get rid of products and liquidate assets. Some stores stayed open until May, while many closed as early as the end of March.

